
Instead of yaqzah, we interpret it as attention, which contains a kind of concept of continuity. In yaqzah, the person may return to sleep and unconsciousness, while the seeker should not lose consciousness when he wakes up to perform the ritual. Because you have to bury all your past in your journey. Another point is that it is not the seeker himself who wakes up and comes to attention, but his attention is the result of…

Thinking in mysticism

Thinking in mysticism One of the principles and tools of movement in knowledge is thinking. This word, because it comes from “action”, means forcing oneself to think. Therefore, it does not observe the influx of involuntary and aimless thoughts. Thinking is considered as a condition of mysticism because the helpless seeker inside and without thinking can not reach a place in mysticism; Because most of his movements are internal and sensual. The seeker of the essence…

Anaba in mysticism

Mysticism: The third introduction is read in the path of knowledge. This word also has a meaning of return and in this respect it is close to the word repentance. In Anaba, of course, the more general concept of return is not considered, and its concept is a bit more subtle and precise. Master’s Narrative: Returning here also means re-entering natural motion. The difference is that in repentance one returns from sin, but in repentance one…

Repentance in mysticism

Anecdot Mysticism: The second premise for this movement is repentance. Repentance means going back and forth. What is meant by this argument is the return of one who has not yet begun the journey to the Almighty, and thus has become farther and farther away from God. When it comes to return, the question is, where does return come from? And where? We answer: turning away from sin, negligence, the world, selfishness, and in short everything…

Coming to self in mysticism

The story of mysticism: The first story of mysticism is called self-awareness. Of course, some have considered it as a prelude to the movement, not as anecdotes. This word means awakening and in the discussions of the people of knowledge, it means coming to one’s senses and becoming aware to understand the necessity of moving towards the knowledge of the truth and moving towards the transcendent origin. Accordingly, most people, but also all those who have…

Principles and rules of common philosophy

Common philosophy is a new school in philosophy and one of the author’s innovations. In this philosophical method, the whole universe, from truth to creation, has its common course in a single system, and all the universes in all the existing universes have their own influence. In the following, we will express the rules of common philosophy ….

Principles and rules of psychology

1. The first principle in psychology is to know the human body and to know the organs of their body, because the most accessible thing in the psychology of the human body is not the soul, so familiarity with the body precedes familiarity with the human soul. Therefore, it is necessary for a psychologist to be fully aware of the types of bodies and their characteristics. 2. The meaning of “the last creation” in the verse…